Through the Transatlantic slave trade crops and knowledge were brought to America from Africa and then the people of Africa were used to essentially build America up. Most people know about the slavery aspect but many don't know that America received much more than just slaves from Africa. A multitude of things from Africa influence American culture today from its music and language to crops and medical practices. We may not have access to many of the things we use on a day-to-day basis if the Transatlantic slave trade never occurred. Some selfish people may use this as justification for slavery but it absolutely is not. There could have simply been a rich cultural exchange between America and Africa to get resources but obviously this didn't occur. As a black woman, I could have possibly been in Africa right now and my life and the lives of many others would be very different. Without Africa and its people America would be little to nothing at all!
Hi Iyana, the point where you said that the Americans could have just traded with Africa was great. This would have been very possible, and they also could have learned from the African to grow the crops themselves back in America. I think this shows how little respect colonizers had for people that didn't look like them and how lazy there were as well.